Rock Climbing in Malta: A Guide to the Island’s Best Spots

Malta is a small archipelago located in the Mediterranean Sea. Known for its rich history, stunning beaches, and vibrant culture, the island of Malta is also a hidden gem for rock climbers. With its rugged cliffs, limestone formations, and picturesque landscapes, Malta offers a variety of rock climbing opportunities for climbers of all skill levels. In this guide, we will explore the best spots for rock climbing in Malta, the equipment you’ll need, and some safety tips to ensure an enjoyable climbing experience.

1. Dingli Cliffs

The Dingli Cliffs are a popular destination for rock climbers in Malta. Located on the southwestern coast of the island, these cliffs offer breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and challenging routes for climbers. The limestone formations provide a variety of climbing experiences, from vertical walls to overhangs and cracks. One of the most famous climbing routes at Dingli Cliffs is the “Devil’s Ridge,” which offers a thrilling ascent with stunning views along the way.

When climbing at Dingli Cliffs, it is important to note that the cliffs are subject to erosion due to weather conditions. It is recommended to check the weather forecast and avoid climbing during high winds or heavy rain. Additionally, ensure you have proper climbing gear, including a helmet, harness, ropes, and quickdraws. Always climb with a partner and communicate clearly throughout the climb.

2. Wied Babu

Wied Babu is another popular rock climbing spot in Malta. Located in the south of the island, Wied Babu offers a range of climbing routes suitable for both beginners and experienced climbers. The cliffs at Wied Babu feature limestone walls and unique rock formations, making it an exciting place to explore. The routes at Wied Babu vary in difficulty, so there is something for everyone.

Illustration for section: When climbing at Wied Babu, it is important to approach the cliffs with caution as they can be slipp - malta climbing

When climbing at Wied Babu, it is important to approach the cliffs with caution as they can be slippery, especially after rainfall. Always check the stability of the holds before placing your weight on them. Stay aware of your surroundings and be mindful of loose rocks. As with any climbing location, make sure you have the necessary equipment and climb safely with a partner.

3. Ghajn Abdul

Ghajn Abdul is a hidden gem for rock climbing enthusiasts in Malta. Situated in the central part of the island, Ghajn Abdul offers a unique climbing experience with its vertical walls and challenging routes. The limestone cliffs provide plenty of opportunities for both sport climbing and traditional climbing. The routes at Ghajn Abdul are known for their technicality and require good footwork and strength.

When climbing at Ghajn Abdul, it is essential to approach the routes with caution, as some sections may be loose or unstable. Always test the holds before committing to a move and be aware of the potential for rockfall. Use proper climbing techniques and equipment, and never climb alone. It is also important to respect the natural environment by avoiding damage to the rock formations and leaving no trace.

4. Ghar Lapsi

Ghar Lapsi is a popular rock climbing spot located on the southwestern coast of Malta. With its sea cliffs and crystal-clear waters, Ghar Lapsi offers a unique climbing experience. The limestone cliffs at Ghar Lapsi provide a mix of climbing routes, from easy slabs to challenging overhangs. The stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea make this area a favorite among climbers.

When climbing at Ghar Lapsi, it is crucial to be aware of the tides and the changing sea conditions. Some routes may become inaccessible during high tide or rough seas. Always check the local conditions before climbing and avoid climbing alone. Use caution when placing gear near the water and be prepared for potential rockfall. Remember to leave the area as you found it, without leaving any trash behind.

5. Xaqqa

Xaqqa is a unique and challenging rock climbing spot located on the southeastern coast of Malta. This coastal crag offers a range of climbing routes, from vertical walls to steep overhangs. The limestone cliffs at Xaqqa provide a technical climbing experience, with routes that require precise footwork and strong finger strength. The views of the open sea from the top of the cliff are truly breathtaking.

When climbing at Xaqqa, it is essential to take extra precautions due to the exposure to the sea. Be aware of changing weather conditions, as strong winds or high waves can make climbing dangerous. Always ensure you have a secure anchor and use proper safety measures when setting up top ropes. Climbing at Xaqqa is recommended for experienced climbers who are comfortable with exposure and have good rope management skills.


Malta offers a variety of rock climbing opportunities for climbers of all skill levels. From the breathtaking cliffs of Dingli to the challenging routes at Ghajn Abdul, there is something for everyone in this Mediterranean paradise. Remember to always climb with a partner, check the local conditions, and use proper climbing gear. Respect the natural environment and leave no trace. With its stunning landscapes and unique limestone formations, Malta is an unforgettable destination for rock climbing enthusiasts.